
100% Hotel Design Awards: Important Updates   |  Maria-Glykeria Marangianou

100% Hotel Design Awards: Important Updates

Announcement of jury members and extension of participation in the architectural competition 100% Hotel Design Awards

As is already known, 100% Hotel Show and DEMAND, the organizing company of the Exhibition, have launched an Architectural Contest under the title "100% Hotel Design Awards". The purpose of 100% Hotel Design Awards is to establish them as an integral part of the events of 100% Hotel Show. As we are now in the final line for the completion of the first 100% Hotel Design Awards, we are delighted to announce the following: 


Highly important names from Architecture, Tourism and Media have responded positively fair's invitation to participate as Jury Members, giving clear added value to the event, and strongly underlining the need to establish an institution that highlights the key role that can be played by the Good design in creating and renovating hotels. The Jury members of 100% Hotel Design Awards 2015 are (in alphabetical order):

Thomas Gravanis, Architect-Designer of Lighting, L + DG LIGHTING ARCHITECTS
Thomas Doxiadis, Architect, DOXIADIS PLUS
Stavroula Lockis, Architect, GLOW MAGAZINE Director
Nikos Ktenas, Architect (www.nikosktenas.com)
Stavros Martinos, Chief Editor of ARCHISEARCH
Freedom Deco, Lighting Designer, EDEKO
Kostas Poulopoulos, Architect, HENNING LARSEN ARCHITECTS
Rena Sakellaridou, Architect, SPARCH ARCHITECTS
Vangelis Stylianidis, Architect, 3SK ARCHITECTS
Angelos Gigounakis, Editor in Chief EK MAGAZINE
George Tsakiris, Chairman of the Board of Directors
Kimon Fragakis, publisher ANDRO.GR
Strategic collaboration with Archisearch.gr

With regard to the 100% Hotel Design Awards, 100% Hotel Show and DEMAND have entered into a strategic partnership agreement with the electronic magazine ARCHISEARCH.gr, which will actively participate with its specialized know-how in the editing And the final shape of the event.

Extension of deadline for submission of applications

Following the increased expression of interest for participation, which has been intensified since the publication of the names of the Jury, as well as the desire to organize for as representative a presentation as possible of the architectural projects / proposals, the extension of the deadline To submit applications until 20/12/2014 so that the members of the committee are able to make the final selection of prizes until the first days of January 2015.

Maria-Glykeria Marangianou
Event Project Manager
Η Μαρία-Γλυκερία Μαραγγιανού είναι υπεύθυνη για το συντονισμό και την οργάνωση όλων των συντελεστών του 100% Hotel Show. Ταυτόχρονα, αποτελεί το πρόσωπο επαφής όλων των στρατηγικών συνεργατών του θεσμού.
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