
100% Hotel Show at WTM London!   |  Nikos S. Morantis

100% Hotel Show at WTM London!

100% Hotel Show participates at the WTM London exhibition, one of the most important tourism fairs, aiming at the extroversion of tourism-related Greek businesses

Within the context of its international campaign, 100% Hotel Show, will present at WTM London a mix of Greek companies, highlighting their high level of professionalism and expertise.




What will be presented at the 100% Hotel Show’s booth in WTM London?

Hotel Design Awards Short List

The participations from the Short List of Hotel Design Awards, will be presented at WTM London, aiming at developing new partnerships with travel agents and media. This will also give the opportunity to Hellenic Hotel Design stand out on an international level. As part of their prize, the winners of Hotel Design Awards will receive additional promotion.


Companies that concern Hoteliers

Through a careful selection among the exhibitors of 100% Hotel Show, companies and professionals with the possibility of collaborations outside Greece will be presented and promoted during WTM London, in order to create opportunities for cooperation with hoteliers/visitors of the fair. This will be the first important step of 100% Hotel Show, towards its broader extroversion plan for Greek companies.




100% Hotel Show International Campaign

The 100% Hotel Show team, strongly believes that Greek hotels, as well as several Greek companies, can be great examples for the global tourism industry.


Greek hotels are distinguished for their high aesthetics design and the upgraded level of services they offer. At the same time, Greek hoteliers are undoubtedly among the most recognizable professionals in the global tourism market. Also, companies with services and products for hoteliers provide the most advanced solutions that could easily cover other markets.


Given the above, the International Campaign of 100% Hotel Show, intends to highlight the high level of the Greek tourism industry in other markets and create communication channels and prospects for developing new collaborations. More information regarding the strategy behind 100% Hotel Show's International Campaign, will be revealed soon.

Nikos S. Morantis
Hospitality Strategy Expert
Nikos S. Morantis is in charge of 100% Hotel Show's online and digital presence. In collaboration with the fair’s organizing company, Demand Fairs & Media, he contributes to the strategic development of the institution.
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