
100% Hotel Workshops 2019: Focus on the increase of direct sales and on Experience Design   |  Nikos S. Morantis

100% Hotel Workshops 2019: Focus on the increase of direct sales and on Experience Design

The workshops on new markets for Greek hotels, increase of direct bookings, Experience Design and the established annual Masterclass by WebHotelier are expected to attract hundreds of visitors, making the Workshop Stage of 100% Hotel Workshops the annual meeting point for all hotel experts.

This year’s Workshops in 100% Hotel Show will be more relevant than ever, since their topics are fully focused on the needs of the Greek hotel market, and important subjects will be detailed during the upgraded presentations in the dedicated Stage. 100% Hotel Show’s team partners once again with Hotelier Academy, selecting a series of highly knowledgeable professionals who will analyze and present practical solutions in important issues, ranging from Design to new markets, that will be presented in 8 different sessions, on Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 November, in MEC, Paiania.

The evolution of direct online hotel bookings and new technologies that change the hotel world

Workshops on both days start with the establishedMasterclass by WebHotelier, whose content will be particularly impressive since it will be based on real Greek market data, especially after the powerful entrance of Google in this sector. At the same time, the company behind the popular Booking Engine will present a series of new ideas that change the hotel reality and will answer the audience’s questions. 

The autonomy of Hotel Sales and new markets for Greek hotels and villas

Given the change of landscape in hotel sales, the global-reach platform OTA Insight in cooperation with BookOnlineNow, one of the most rapidly emerging booking engines, will share ideas for the increase of Online Revenue, in an original debate that will analyze the new reality for OTAs and the modern online tools for Revenue monitoring in hotels. Within the same concept, the new TBI Hotels will invite two leading companies in Hotel Digital Marketing, Eyewide & About Hotelier, to present ideas on new markets for Greek hotels. When it comes to villas, the worldwide renown Blue Villas will present the new trends in villas and luxury apartments, as well as the evolution of Airbnb, which lays new foundation for Villa Marketing. 

The Hotel experience through Staff and Lighting and the new trend in Hotel Architectural Design

Of course, design but also the overall hotel experience - both of which play a pivotal role in a hotel’s growth - would definitely be part of the Workshops. Hotel staff being a decisive factor in guest experience, Workathlon will present the most advanced staff search methods and the importance of training. Also related to the experience aspect, Archetype architecture medium will organize an interactive workshop to showcase the importance of Archtectural Lighting in guest experience, while there will also be a special session in cooperation with Scent Plus, analyzing the implementation of Scent Marketing in hotels. Finally, as hotels step into a new era, Destsetters invite selected architects to explain the importance of an integrated concept brief before architectural design, and to analyze case studies from Athens, marking the shift in how hotels are designed in Greece.

Take a look at all Workshops here ➔

The official programme of the 100% Hotel Workshops

SATURDAY, 16/11/2019

  • 10:30 -12:00: WebHotelier Hotel Sales Masterclass: The latest updates for the increase of direct bookings and Β2Β contracts with Travel Agents, via the hotel’s official Booking Engine! Find out more & Register ➔
  • 12:00 -13:30: New Markets for Greek Hotels: The new markets that are interesting for Greek hotels and how to develop sales channels for your hospitality business. Find out more & Register ➔
  • 15:30 -17:00: Online Revenue Debate 2020: Which will be the most efficient online revenue sources for hotels in 2020 and how to manage OTAs competition? Find out more & Register ➔
  • 17:00 -18:30: The Next Gen Villa Trends: The new trends in villa market and the developments around Airbnb in Greece and worldwide Find out more & Register ➔

SUNDAY, 17/11/2019

  • 10:30 -12:00: WebHotelier Hotel Sales Masterclass: The latest updates for the increase of direct bookings and Β2Β contracts with Travel Agents, via the hotel’s official Booking Engine! Find out more & Register ➔
  • 12:00 -13:30: Hotel Staff Hunting: How to organise the process of searching and managing hotel staff and the best practices for an effective staff team Find out more & Register ➔
  • 15:30 -17:00: Greek Hotel Design Reborn - The Athenian Example: The new trends in hotel development in Greece and case studies from Athens highlighting the dynamic development of the market and conceptual design. Find out more & Register ➔
  • 17:00 - 18:30: Hotel Experience Design: How Lighting, Interior Design and Scent Marketing impact on the overall hotel experience and presentation of the Rooms & Light Experiment at the entrance of the 100% Hotel Show. Find out more & Register ➔

Take a look at all Workshops here ➔


Entrance in the Workshops of 100% Hotel Show is completely free of charge; however pre-registration and issue of the special ticket is required. To find out more, please contact us at +30 2109408714 or info@hotelshow.gr .

TAGS: Workshops,

Nikos S. Morantis
Hospitality Strategy Expert
Nikos S. Morantis is in charge of 100% Hotel Show's online and digital presence. In collaboration with the fair’s organizing company, Demand Fairs & Media, he contributes to the strategic development of the institution.
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