
"100% Winners' Days": The 100% Hotel Design Awards winners’ prize sponsored by Pedrali   |  Maria-Glykeria Marangianou

"100% Winners' Days": The 100% Hotel Design Awards winners’ prize sponsored by Pedrali

The winners of the 9 major categories of the 100% Hotel Design Awards 2019 and the team of the 100% Hotel Show will travel to Italy once again, touring the facilities and showroom of Pedrali in Bergamo, meeting the top of designers and executives who made it a global brand.

In addition to the secured exposure by the 100% Hotel Design Awards in the competition, the 100% Hotel Show team, for the second consecutive year, gives new extroversion opportunities to the 9 major winners, in collaboration with International Design Brands. This year, in collaboration with the furniture company Pedrali, the big winners will travel to Bergamo in order to create new partnerships and stay connected to the new trends in Design.

The winners will have the opportunity to tour the city of Bergamo, while visiting the factory of Pedrali and the Fili d'Erba automated Warehouse, where they will meet executives and designers of the famous brand and will get to know the secrets of the leading company. In addition, by visiting Pedrali's showroom, the winners will have the opportunity to see all of Pedrali's latest collections and open new opportunities to collaborate with the internationally renowned furniture company.


"100% Design Winners' Days" will also feature 100% Hotel Show executives who, through social media and newsletters, will transmit the pulse of the journey revealing images and useful information from this special journey, bringing the audience of the event closer to this unique action.

Pedrali's partnership with the 100% Hotel Design Awards highlights its active role in the evolution of Hotel Design, and marks its close relationship with the Hotel and Architecture industry.

The Winners and Highlights of the glittering award night

The Jury of the 100% Hotel Design Awards 2019


  • Daniela Fantini | Fratelli Fantini Spa
  • Piero Lissoni | Lissoni Associati
  • Alexandros Kapsimalis |Kapsimalis Architects
  • Michalis Mavroleon | The A&M Group
  • Gabriel Papadiotis |GavriLux
  • Maria Paravanti |Greek Travel Pages
  • Dimitris Potiropoulos | Potiropoulos + Partners
  • Giorgos Spyridonos | ReAct Architects
  • Sotiris Tsergas | Block 722 Architects

The Nominators of 100% Hotel Design Awards 2019

 A key role in this year's 100% Hotel Design Awards process was played by selected Media representatives, who collaborated with the event as “Nominators”, contributing decisively to the high level of participants:

  • Manolis Economou | Archetype.gr
  • Papadopoulou Evi | Cozy Publications
  • Theofanopoulou Maria | GTP Headlines
  • Kontopoulos Nikos | CasaViva

Maria-Glykeria Marangianou
Event Project Manager
Η Μαρία-Γλυκερία Μαραγγιανού είναι υπεύθυνη για το συντονισμό και την οργάνωση όλων των συντελεστών του 100% Hotel Show. Ταυτόχρονα, αποτελεί το πρόσωπο επαφής όλων των στρατηγικών συνεργατών του θεσμού.
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