
3rd 100% HOTEL DESIGN AWARDS 2016: Submission of projects from Greece & Cyprus underway, for the most important Hotel Designing Contest!   |  Zenios Zeniou

3rd 100% HOTEL DESIGN AWARDS 2016: Submission of projects from Greece & Cyprus underway, for the most important Hotel Designing Contest!

After two highly successful events, 100% Hotel Show and DEMAND MEPE, organizer of the Exhibition, announce the 3rd Hotels Design Contest «100% Hotel Design Awards».

The contest «100% Hotel Design Awards» has become an institution that operates as an integral part of the events of the annual exhibition of 100% Hotel Show: It highlights the decisive role of good design to the creation, as well as the hotel renovation, through the evaluation and viewing of recently implemented projects. Through the contest, architects and designers have the opportunity to display their work in the most dynamic professionals from the tourism sector: Hoteliers, Travel Agents, Tour Operators, Media, Construction Companies, Financial Consultants, Marketing Managers and other specialties of the area.

The Online magazine ARCHISEARCH.gr, participates for the third year with its specialized knowledge, as a Strategic Partner, on the editing and the finalization of the event’s character. ARCHISEARCH.gr is represented in this year's event by Vasilis Bartzokas, editor of the online magazine ARCHISEARCH.gr and founder of the communication company DESIGNEMBASSADOR.COM, and Stavros Martinos, Editor, Architectural Historian and Director of ARKKI program (Architecture School for children and young people that is developed in Greece by the companies DESIGNEMBASSADOR.COM and AKTO).



"100% Hotel Design Awards" contest, rewards annually the hotels in the following 8 categories:  

  • Best City Hotel
  • Best Holidays Hotel
  • Best Room & Bathroom
  • Best Spa
  • Best All-Day Restaurant
  • Best Hotel Lighting
  • Best Lobby / Foyer / Reception
  • Best Landscape

Moreover, three special awards are presented:  

  • Special award by the jury for the biggest total score
  • Special award for the best non-implemented project
  • Audience award


Participation Criteria

In the third edition of "100% Hotel Design Awards", eligible to participate, are:

Architects / Architectural Offices from Greece and Cyprus, for projects that they have been created in all over the world, which were implemented (or the research has been conducted for not implemented ones) during the last 5 years, and have not participated in the contest in the previous years. Projects in Greece and Cyprus that have been created (or, the research has been conducted for not implemented ones) by architects/architectural offices from all over the world.

Important Clarification:

Whoever is related to the project (Architects, Designers, Hoteliers, Operators, Investors-Developers) can submit a participation.

In any case, it is recommended for the architect or designer of the project to curate the participation.



The following steps will be followed:  

During the first stage, the stakeholders (Architects, Designers, Owners of hotels, Operators, Investors-Developers) should send to the organizing committee of the contest their application package. There is no limit to the number of applications from each participant. The first stage leads to a short-list selection.

The second stage includes a closed meeting of the jury in a reasonable time before 100% Hotel Show 2016, where the prizes among the short listed projects will be selected. The awards will be announced and awarded at a special ceremony on November 25, 2016, during the VIP Opening Party of 100% Hotel Show 2016.

The projects that will be selected for the short list (with the associated label for the winning entries) will be presented on billboards during the exhibition 100% Hotel Show, will be held from 25 to 28 November 2016 at MEC Paiania, Athens, while the visitors of the exhibition will have the chance to vote for their favorite project, which will win the 'People’s Choice Award'. The announcement of the winner will be made after the exhibition.



Participation submission deadline: July 25, 2016  August 29, 2016

Final submission date of the respective material: July 29, 2016 August 29, 2016

Evaluation of the Participations: September 15, 2016

Announcement of the Short-Listed Participations: September 30, 2016

Audience Voting: November 25-28, 2016

Exhibition of the short listed participations: November 25-28, 2016

Award Ceremony: November 25, 2016 (during the Vip Opening Party of 100% Hotel Show 2016)




Participation fee up to 2 award categories: €186,00 per participation (150€ + 24% VAT) Participation fee for more than 2 award categories: € 279,00 per participation (225€ + 24% VAT)




The submitted folder for each project, must include:  

1. Up to 10 photos of the project. They should exhibit:

   1. The general image    2. A typical room    3. A typical bathroom    4. The lobby/foyer/reception    5. Restaurant/Bar (if applicable)    6. Spa (if applicable)     7. Landscape integrations (if applicable)    8. Lighting details (if applicable)    9. Two additional photos of the participants’ choice, or characteristic plans.

2. Technical description in 1 page – in pdf and word form – where the characteristics of the hotel, the study and completion time, the implementation cost, the manufacturer of the project, and the suppliers of the hotel equipment (furniture, lighting) must be described in 500 words.

3. Contact details with the architecture office

4. Payment receipt of the participation fee

The folder can be digitally submitted via e-mail/dropbox link/ wetransfer.com [info@hotelshow.gr], until 29/07/2016, with subject HOTEL DESIGN AWARDS | HOTEL NAME | ARCHITECT NAME.

Participation fee per envelope, €186,00 or € 279,00 (based on the number of the categories) payed at DEMAND ΜΕΠΕ (Bank Number: ΕΘΝΙΚΗ ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ 076/470782-65 IBAN: GR71 0110 0760 0000 0764 7078 265 SWIFT-BIC ETHNGRAA)


Each agency or participant can enter the competition with an unlimited number of projects as long as they fulfill the necessary criteria.

Each project can participate in more than one categories.



The jury for 100% Hotel Design Awards 2016 will be determined soon. It will be composed by personalities of the Architecture, Design, and Tourism sectors, as well as by representatives of institutional organizations and media of those fields, from Greece and abroad.

The jury members will change every year. A jury member who has been a member of the last four years, can not be selected. The Jury members will be selected by DEMAND Ltd, organizer of 100% Hotel Show, in cooperation with the Advisory Committee report.

The names of the jury will be announced at the end of the submission of entries.


Criteria of Evaluation of the Jury

The evaluation criteria are not based only on good and creative design but also in commercial success. Regardless of how impressive is a project in terms of aesthetics or design, the jury will examine how each winning project responds to customer needs. The jury will be looking for entries which seek strict and structured design, demonstrating reasonable use of the project budget in order to contribute to the "experience" of the visitors and participate in the creation of a "theatrical scene." The submitted material should clearly demonstrate why this project deserves to be selected for an award and how design has helped the project to reach an awarding level.


What do the jury members search for?

  • Comparison between the initial information and the final solution
  • Evidence of an innovative approach with clever use of space and materials.
  • Sensitivity to operational issues, as well as requirements on cultural heritage and urban design, sustainability and the environment.
  • Personalization and design innovation and how they enhance the experience of visitors.
  • Successful resolve of budget issues, construction and timetables.
  • Issues of comfort, practicality, durability and ease of use.
  • Compelling facts and figures.


Zenios Zeniou
Digital Design Expert
Zenios is part of the brain-duet who founded Destsetters, where he works as the Creative Director for the group's various projects. He also writes, edits and oversees content. Zenios is a travel expert, great with words, obsessed with detail and a books junkie.
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