
AboutHotelier | "Otascanner.com" Platform   |  Maria-Glykeria Marangianou

AboutHotelier | "Otascanner.com" Platform

Hospitality companies like the Blue Villas Collection or SWOT, as well as other independent hotels like Egnatia Palace Hotel and Contaratos Beach Hotel, are only some of the firsts to show great confidence in the platform’s potential to bring about success to hotels’ revenue

AboutHotelier joins business intelligence and data technologies with “OtaScanner.com” platform. 

About a year ago, AboutHotelier decided to take a new turn, when started noticing that clients worry about their parity in OTAs and whether the revenue management strategy they followed was a profitable one. Having had received numerous requests among more than 700 clients, AboutHotelier decided to start working on a solution to provide leading-edge hotel revenue management technology and to develop a platform that would “relieve” them. They started by gathering the data and their aim was to own the ability to understand and address revenue managers’ needs and be able to materialize their expectations. 

The rate shopper and rate intelligence platform, Ota Scanner, is AboutHotelier’s brand new addition. It is an interface that helps hospitality businesses such as hotels, resorts and vacation rentals, optimize their revenue and improve profitability. It’s a unique method of providing visibility into all of the key distribution channels, which is vital in each hotel’s efforts to improve rate parity. Hospitality companies like the Blue Villas Collection or SWOT, as well as other independent hotels like Egnatia Palace Hotel and Contaratos Beach Hotel, are only some of the firsts to show great confidence in the platform’s potential to bring about success to hotels’ revenue. 

This simple-to-use platform provides revenue managers and hotel owners with intuitive real-time access to competitor prices, online channel insights, competitors’ availabilities, ratings, reviews and city demand forecasts, as well as popular events and holidays, all of which are used to impact short and long-term pricing strategies. 

The continued ability to provide timely and relevant business solutions, is what makes it a very responsive business partner. Hotels are able to produce and track pricing across all digital channels, making it better for the consumer to complete a booking. 

Giannis Koutsopoulos, AboutHotelier CEO and co-founder said: 

“Our continuous aim is to keep growing our global client base and accelerate the delivery of the latest data and business intelligence products to the hospitality industry.” 



Maria-Glykeria Marangianou
Event Project Manager
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