
Hotel Restaurants and Gastronomy at the 100% Hotel Show 2018   |  Nikos S. Morantis

Hotel Restaurants and Gastronomy at the 100% Hotel Show 2018

The design of restaurants, the role of coffee in hotels, and a project on gastronomy and wine, at the 100% Hotel show 2018.

*main photo credits: Vaggelis Paterakis

Hotel restaurants perhaps account for the most important segment of revenues after room sales, and the 100% Hotel Show  is now putting particular emphasis on this area.

With a view to present an alternative proposal to hoteliers visiting the show, the 100% Hotel Show 2018 will not be focusing exclusively on the presentation of equipment and products relevant to restaurants, but also on other particularly critical aspects that affect their commercial success, such as:

  • The design and experience of Restaurants.
  • The overall gastronomic experience in an accommodation.
  • The role of coffee in the profitability of the accommodation

This is the reason why the organizing team of the 100% Hotel Show has ensured that these solutions are presented in the most comprehensive manner possible, both with special conceptual participations in the sector of  Food & Serve and with carefully selected segments concerning Architecture and Design.

The design and experience of Restaurants

The design of a hotel plays a critical role in its success, and that is the reason why Hoteliers are looking for increasingly varied solutions.

It is well-known that the 100% Hotel Show always hosts the leading companies of the market, in the Architecture & DevelopmentBuild & Renovation and Interior & Exterior Design sectors. Participant companies are offering comprehensive proposals that can also apply to hotel restaurants, enhancing the gastronomic identity of accommodations and effectively boosting their commercial potential.

Given that each specific serving method plays an important role in hotel restaurants, the participation of the Soul Kitchen company, which offers the most impressive serving sets, and the Food Design Store from the Living Postcards, are expected to provide constructive solutions to the show visitors.

However, in addition to the design and impressive decoration of the restaurants, selected electrical appliances of unique design will be presented in the designated Food & Serve area; these devices shape to a great extent the design experience related to gastronomy.

The overall gastronomic experience in an accommodation

It is a well known fact that gastronomy in an accommodation is not limited to its restaurants, but is intertwined with the overall guest experience.

In cooperation with gastronomy editor Haris Tzannis, the “Bistrot Greque & Delicatessen” specialized project will be presented in the Food&Serve area, with tasteful proposals by Greek producers especially for hotels. This is a “Greek Bistrot”, where visitors can enjoy tastes by Greek producers, accompanied by wine, and at the same time discover proposals and solutions which the thematic delicatessen will have on offer. At the delicatessen, visitors can taste Greek products that have been categorized under the following themes: Greek hotel breakfast, Mini bar, Greek corner shop, Olive oil.

The unique gastronomic proposals will be completed by  Greek Way, a company providing smart solutions for welcome & goodbye gifts related to gastronomy.

The role of coffee in the profitability of the accommodation

Coffee sales can give a significant boost to the profitability of an accommodation, being one of the most popular items of F&B sectors.

In cooperation with the  The Cofφee Magazine, a special concept will be set up, the 100% Hotel Lab, with the aim of promoting the presentation and experience of coffee, and its placement inside hotels. In the specially designed stand of the The Cofφee Magazine, visitors will be able to see a display of coffee makers specifically designed for hotel rooms, appliances for the bar which can upgrade the experience of coffee and unique service methods. Based on The Cofφee Magazine team’s accumulated know-how, advice will given on how to prepare coffee and guidelines on how to preserve the ingredients.

This comprehensive approach to coffee will also be supported by the leading coffee company TAF, with its “Hotel Espresso Point by TAF” project, demonstrating how the high quality and flavor of coffee can be incorporated into the overall guest experience.

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100% Hotel Show | 16-19 November, 2018 | MEC Paiania

TAGS: Useful Info,

Nikos S. Morantis
Hospitality Strategy Expert
Nikos S. Morantis is in charge of 100% Hotel Show's online and digital presence. In collaboration with the fair’s organizing company, Demand Fairs & Media, he contributes to the strategic development of the institution.
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