
Hotel Sales at the focus of the next 100% Hotel Show in November at MEC Paiania   |  Nikos S. Morantis

Hotel Sales at the focus of the next 100% Hotel Show in November at MEC Paiania

The new "Digital & Sales" section at 100% Hotel Show will be welcoming an even greater number of companies interested in increasing hotel sales through new bookings and boosting sales inside hotels.

As hotel sales are one of the most important issues that modern hoteliers are facing, the 100% Hotel Show developed the new "Digital & Sales" section for the presentation of companies offering solutions in this area. This new part of our show is the evolution of the Digital Section introduced at previous events, and it has been attracting a growing number of specialised brands that directly or indirectly help in sales.    

It is a fact that most sales are currently being generated by hotel booking engines, which hoteliers use to achieve an increase in their total revenue through direct bookings. One of the most sophisticated companies in this area, WebHotelier, will be playing a leading role in this year's "Digital & Sales" section, with a presence aimed at providing practical directions to the hoteliers who will visit it. The participation of WebHotelier at 100% Hotel Show will be extended on the fair's Workshop Stage. More about the topics that will be discussed, which will be related to Hoteliers and Villa Owners, will be announced within the next few days.

However, a sales section could not be complete without companies that support sales inside hotels - such as restaurant sales, which are a major source of revenue for any accommodation. Butterfly Stories is participating for the first time in the show, with its offer of consulting on how hotel owners can increase their restaurant sales and boost their overall profitability. Along the same lines, the participation of management companies such as HIP Hospitality and KIHLI, which will present savings solutions through proper administration and organisation, is particularly important.

Finally, as dynamic branding plays an important role in hotel sales, companies such as Mosaik will present the new trends in the hotel market, while Destsetters will launch for the first time its Strategic Hotel Concept Development service for creating hotels that are competitive by design.

The 100% Hotel Show will take place on November 16-19, 2018 at MEC Paiania.

Register as a visitor here, and organise your visit by scheduling appointments with the exhibitors that interest you!

Nikos S. Morantis
Hospitality Strategy Expert
Nikos S. Morantis is in charge of 100% Hotel Show's online and digital presence. In collaboration with the fair’s organizing company, Demand Fairs & Media, he contributes to the strategic development of the institution.
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