
Hotel Wellness Spa Services   |  Maria-Glykeria Marangianou

Hotel Wellness Spa Services

Hotel Wellness Spa Services (HWS) is a boutique company dedicated to the rental and management of wellness and spa facilities as well as employing suitably trained staff. Taking advantage from both of the company's experience in the hotel services sector and its presence in the field of spa supplies, it turns out that HWS can offer 5 star services to all its members and customers of the spa that it manages

Hotel Wellness Spa Services presents Sp.a_System by Starpool, the first scientifically tested method for the correct use of the spa, that assists guests in the correct use of the wellness equipment, while also allowing them to personalize their own wellness experience. There are 4 colour paths. Excite, Purify, Tonic and Relax, created to satisfy 4 specific wellness desires: to energize, purify, tone and relax. Each path is combined with a fun-to-wear bracelet of the same colour, on which is shown the right sequence for using the equipment and the exact time to spend in each. In order to “finish off with beauty”, Starpool has created Sp.a_System self treatment, the first cosmetic products kit for the spa to be used during the wellness experience.

5-star spa services from Hotel Wellness Spa Services

Hotel Wellness Spa Services refers to the professional hoteliers who appreciate the importance of a quality service like the spa, and invites them to include the Sp.a_System by Starpool in their services, offering thus a premium experience for their visitors.
An experience based on medical studies of the University of Milan (Effect of spa treatment on cardiac autonomic control at rest in healthy subjects, Sport Sciences for Health)

A few words about Sp.a_System by Starpool - the correct method of using Spa

It is the only method that guides the customer and shows him the correct sequence and the ideal time of using the Spa equipment (sauna, steam bath, icefall, emotional showers).
The customer has only to choose his own wellness path (Excite - Red for energy, Purify - Yellow for cleaning, Tonic - Green for toning, Relax - Blue for relaxation), wear the bracelet with the corresponding colour and follow the special markings in the space.

There is nothing simpler and funnier for those who choose or are fortunate enough to be in a spa equipped with the Sp.a_System.

Maria-Glykeria Marangianou
Event Project Manager
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