
The 24 Hotels participating in the 100% Hotel Design Awards and the Live Presentations from 23 to 27 November   |  Nikos S. Morantis

The 24 Hotels participating in the 100% Hotel Design Awards and the Live Presentations from 23 to 27 November

These are the 24 finalists for 100% Hotel Design Awards 2020 and here is how projects will be presented during 100% Hotel Show | The Online Edition, 23-27 November, in the dedicated digital environment.

Since its very first year, the 100% Hotel Show has been promoting Hotel Design as one of the pillars of the Greek hospitality sector. As a result, the 100% Hotel Design Awards have become an inextricable part of the Show with the aspiration to celebrate hotel architecture in Greece and beyond. The 100% Hotel Show announces today the 24 finalists for 100% Hotel Design Awards 2020, which will be at the centre of attention during the 4 days of the online Show, on 23-27 November, making once again Hotel Design a point of reference for this year’s Show as well.

During the Online Show, the 24 finalists will have the chance to present live their projects, analyze the rationale behind the design and the accommodation’s concept, and describe the process that lead to the final outcome, in an effort to allow the Show’s “visitors” to familiarize themselves with the participations and select their favorite projects. The audience will be able to vote online for their favorite projects, and the project that will stand out will receive the Visitors Award.

The Award Ceremony's format will be innovative, aiming to combine “physical presence” events with modern online ones. Its date will be announce at the Opening of this year's Online 100% Hotel Show. Shortlisted participations can already be found at this link and the dates of Live Presentations will be shortly announced.

Here are the 24 Hotels of the Hotel Design Awards 2020:

Vote Now for Hotel Design Awards

This year’s 100% Hotel Show will be organized online from 23 to 27 November in a dedicated digital environment; it will be first true Online Show in Greece and will allow hoteliers to contact via video calls more than 200 companies.

Nikos S. Morantis
Hospitality Strategy Expert
Nikos S. Morantis is in charge of 100% Hotel Show's online and digital presence. In collaboration with the fair’s organizing company, Demand Fairs & Media, he contributes to the strategic development of the institution.
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