
Watch the Videos & the Presentations of the 100% Hotel Workshop Tour   |  Maria-Glykeria Marangianou

Watch the Videos & the Presentations of the 100% Hotel Workshop Tour

Following the tremendous success of the 100% Hotel Workshop Tour in 10 destinations in Greece and Cyprus, Demand Fairs & Media, the event organizer, publishes for the first time the workshop videos and presentations, aiming at their exploitation by the wider audience.

At the stop of the 100% Hotel Workshop Tour in Thessaloniki, for the first time, the whole Workshop was recorded, aiming to be available after the completion of the Tour for Hoteliers and Architects, while the official presentations of the speakers were also available for the audience, in order for them to better understand the content of the Workshop.

Although the main content of the Workshops remained stable throughout the Tour, the speakers personalized the presentations according to the profile of each destination and at the same time they developed the content.

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INTRO - The New Trends in Boutique Hotels

Workshop Curator: Nikos S. Morantis

Organizer: Dimitris Antonakos

TOPIC 1: Architecture & Boutique Hotel Operation

Basic Presentation: What should be considered in Architectural Design and Planning for a more efficient operation of a Boutique Hotel.

Case Study: The modern technology hotel profile from Vimar

  • Company: Vimar - www.vimar.com
  • Company Representative: Petros Dranias

Curator: Nikos S. Morantis

TOPIC 2: Hotel Upselling Methods

Basic Presentation: How to boost the revenue of your Boutique Hotel, by upgrading your rooms, restaurants or spa sales and third-party services.

Case Study: Scent Marketing in Hotels by Scent Plus

Curator: Nikos S. Morantis

TOPIC 3: Boutique Hotel Design

Basic Presentation: How to Personalize the Boutique Character of your Hotel, combining Local Architecture, Timeless Design & Functionality.

Case Study: Energy savings in numbers from LG

  • Company: LG Hellas - www.lg.com
  • Company Representative: Vaios Blatzios

Curator: Nikos S. Morantis


TOPIC 4: Hotel Booking Strategy

Basic Presentation: Which are the promotional channels of Boutique Hotels and what are the necessary actions to be taken on a hotel’s website and in the booking engine of your hotel, which will increase the direct bookings. 

Case Study: Photo in Hotels 

Curator: Nikos S. Morantis

Who were the Contributors of the 100% Hotel Workshop Tour 2019?

Maria-Glykeria Marangianou
Event Project Manager
Η Μαρία-Γλυκερία Μαραγγιανού είναι υπεύθυνη για το συντονισμό και την οργάνωση όλων των συντελεστών του 100% Hotel Show. Ταυτόχρονα, αποτελεί το πρόσωπο επαφής όλων των στρατηγικών συνεργατών του θεσμού.
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Ευχαριστούμε για το μήνυμά σας. Ο Εκθέτης θα ενημερωθεί και θα σας απαντήσει το συντομότερο.
Thank you for your message. The Visitor will be informed and reply to you the soonest possible.
Ευχαριστούμε για το μήνυμά σας. Ο Επισκέπτης θα ενημερωθεί και θα σας απαντήσει το συντομότερο.

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