
Eressian Hotel & Hammam Spa

Contact Person: Alexis Michalas

Company: A. Michalas & SIA SA

Photographer: Konstantinos Stamatellis

Website: https://www.eressian.com/

Email: hotel@eressian.com, alex@eressian.com

Phone: 6987/003086


The Eressian Hotel & Hammam Spa consists of 2 suites and 2 rooms and is housed in a traditional, 1850s listed mansion house in the village of Eressos on the island of Lesvos in Greece. It is in the heart of the village, right next to the main square and close to the water fountain of the village. It boasts unique views to the volcanic hills surrounding Eressos, to the Eressos value and to the sea.

The facilities of The Eressian Hotel & Hammam Spa consist of the listed building of the hotel and the newbuilt building of the Hammam & Spa. The 2 buildings communicate via the specially designed external space which also houses the outdoor pool. The contemporary design of the Hammam & Spa respects the historic element of the listed 1850s building, is made up of simple lines highlighted by the materials used, the colors and the form, functioning as a discreet background for the historic hotel building.

The main objective of the design of the hotel spaces has been to highlight the history of the building with its main characteristics: the wooden floors, the imposing staircase and the internal and external masonry. A part of the internal masonry was revealed by removing the plaster and preserved so that the original construction elements of the building are highlighted: mud, hay, stone & wood.

Every space in the hotel has its own unique design inspired by elements of the original interior design, for example in the Sappho Suite, the Master Suite on the 1st floor, the dominant characteristic is the unique ceiling rose with golden details from acorns –a personal tribute of the first owner, an ancestor of the current owner, who was a merchant of acorns in the 19th century –which has been preserved and was the inspiration for hotel’s modern-day logo.

For the internal spaces of the hammam & spa, structures with an oriental character but simple lines & form were designed in order to highlight the volumes and the coves of the building.

The listed historic building of the hotel was built in the 1850s by the great-great-grandfather of the current owner. The sentimental need for reconstructing the history of the family made the current owner to buy back the ancestral home in 2009. It had been sold in the 1950s by the owner’s grandmother –a granddaughter of the original owner. It quickly became apparent that the carpenter’s workshop that was housed in the neighboring plot could not be combined with the conversion of the listed building into a modern hotel, so, in 2010, the neighboring plot was also acquired.

The analysis & design stage of the hotel lasted 1,5 years. H analysis and design stage of the spa lasted 1 year. The 2 projects were included in different, EU-funded, local development programs. The hammam & spa was completed in 2018 and is operational since 2019. The hotel was completed in 2020 and the completed combined project opened its doors on July 1st, 2020. The progress of the projects was slow due to commercial concerns arising from the difficulties in Lesvos’ tourism market from 2015 onwards.

The renovation of the hotel building was completed with a budget of 344.118,28 € plus VAT while the construction of the hammam & spa was completed with a budget of 288.186,58 € plus VAT. The management of the construction was done by the owners, the architects and the interior designer.

Among the constructors and technicians of the project: 

Concrete: Valilis & SIA EE
Construction Work: Konstantinos Kourlis & Georgios Skomvoulis
Wood Work: Michail Polymiadis
Windows & Doors: Dauwin Papavasileiou & Panagiotis Tamvakeras


  • Αρχιτέκτονες: Χρήστος Καπαρελιώτης & Φιλιώ Σαμψάκη
  • Interior Designer: Κώστας Μυρογιάννης
  • Έπιπλα: Κούρτης Contract, Μιχάλης Πολυμιάδης, Έπιπλο Γιαβρίμης
  • Παράθυρα: Dauwin Παπαβασιλείου
  • Φωτιστικά: Zenza Home, Προδρόμου Φωτισμός


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