

Contact Person: Anna Lamprinou

Company: MM Group Consulting Engineers

Photographer: -

Website: http://www.mmgroup.gr

Email: architect@mmgroup.gr

Phone: 28210/51521


Project: Amygdalokephalion

Location: Amygdalokephalion, Kissamos, Crete

Architectural Study: MM Group Consulting Engineers

Design Study Duration: 2021-2022

The architectural study concerns a 5* hotel unit with a capacity of 100 beds, in the Amygdalokephalion area, Kissamos, Crete.

The rocky relief of the field, typical of the Cretan countryside, presents strong altitude differences and impressive views towards the sea. The main concern of the study is the integration and adaptation of the buildings to the natural landscape.

Aiming at a biophilic design, great emphasis is placed on the visitor's connection with the natural environment, both visually and sensorially as well as in the use of materials, which reflect the local ecology and geology. Natural materials are used, such as local stone, wood, thatched roofs, natural earth stabilized floors and stone paving, so that the buildings harmonize with the natural landscape. Importance has been placed to the correlation between indoor and outdoor space and the presence of water, while taking into consideration the visitor’s privacy. The main spaces feature large openings to the outdoors and the sea, to emphasize the visual and sensory connection with the landscape. Most of the buildings will have planted roofs.

The 21 apartments of the hotel unit are placed in equal number of buildings. They have a view to the sea and each of them has a private pool and a large terrace. These are apartments of two to six rooms, with three to eleven beds each. Each bedroom has wardrobes, side furniture, and a private bathroom. In each apartment there is a large living room and dining room as well as an extra bathroom in addition to the bedrooms. One of the apartments is fully accessible for the disabled and is specially designed to accommodate wheelchair users.

The common functions of the hotel unit are placed in the building closest to the access road. The reception and lobby are located in the center of the building, with direct access on one side to the bar and restaurant, and on the other to the lounge and business center. The lounge and restaurant extend outdoors with unobstructed sea views. All common areas meet the specifications for safe and autonomous movement of disabled people.

The parking lot is located next to the main building and facing the street. There is an internal route for movement within the plot and access to the apartments, which from one point onwards is served by an electric golf-car.


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