
The 100% Hotel Show Concept

100% Hotel Show is the Premium Exhibition event for Hoteliers, Villa Owners, Tourism Professionals, as well as Architects and Designers undertaking Hotel Projects.


The Method of Selecting Exhibitors

The 100% Hotel Show is undeniably the Premium Exhibition for Hoteliers, Villa Owners, Architects, etc., and the final mix of Exhibitors will fully reflect this characteristic. This means that each exhibitor will adequately meet criteria such as quality, authenticity of products, innovation, and high aesthetics.

Aiming to upgrade the overall exhibition experience and target the most effective participation of companies, the 100% Hotel Show implements a system of research, evaluation, and organization of participation for interested companies.

In this context, the special Exhibitors Department:

Selects new products and services with high potential from companies that have already participated in the Exhibition, while also researching and identifying new companies with Hotel Solutions.

  1. Prepares Proposal Briefs related to each company's participation concept, always in accordance with the desires of Hoteliers.
  2. Evaluates booth drafts, providing advice to improve participation outcomes.
  3. Creates a personalized communication plan for each company to inform the Exhibition audience about their participation.

The aim is for the 100% Hotel Show to be the ultimate reference point for new ideas for the Hotel Market, but also to enhance the direct commercial prospects of exhibitors.


Hotel Workshops 

The Workshops of the 100% Hotel Show are the highlight of the event, attracting thousands of high-quality visitors who receive advice and know-how from top industry professionals. The speakers of the Hotelier Workshops come from well-known companies, and their primary goal is to impart knowledge and advice, increasing the influence of the Event.

The Hotelier Workshops present advanced topics, ensuring substantial know-how for visitors. For the needs of the workshops, a specially designed room is set up, centered around the modern and imposing Workshop Stage, where related presentations and speeches take place.

In addition to the perennial Stage, a new room is created with Hotel Tech Demos. This room hosts the top companies in the field, providing practical training to the audience on using booking engines, PMS, and RMS, with special sessions on Google Ads and the use of social media.


The New, Lifestyle Logic of the Exhibition

New Date: The 100% Hotel Show moves to early November, a week earlier than its usual date. This way, hoteliers can visit the exhibition right after the season's end, with their needs still fresh, and have the opportunity for timely planning for the next season.

Trending Brands Presentation: Restructuring the first part of the exhibition, the most active companies in the hotel industry will have the opportunity to present themselves in the new Trending Brands section, standing out from the competition. This section will host some of the most impressive and conceptual booths, promoting the regular organization of micro-events that will create a pivotal reference point for the exhibition and a different vibe, turning the visit into a truly pleasant and substantial experience. This section will feature companies from the full range of hotel solutions for the first time, with new products and services being launched.

Hotel Design Section: Building on the foundations laid in previous editions, the Architect takes an even more dynamic role in the exhibition's DNA, with more and more architectural studios participating as exhibitors. The new logic of the Hotel Design section places architectural studios at the forefront, defining the pulse and expertise, while this section will also host leading companies with materials, furniture, fabrics, and technical companies crucial to hotel development. Thus, visitors can discover design solutions and the experts who can oversee the application and implementation.

New logic in booth construction: Besides the specially constructed booths by exhibitors, the Organization (after careful study) has created new, conceptual types of upgraded booths with unique design but controlled cost. The goal is to facilitate companies with special solutions positively evaluated by the 100% Hotel Show team to participate, overcoming the obstacle of booth construction costs. This way, the visit by hoteliers, tourism professionals, and architects becomes more substantial, offering a wide variety of products and services and clearer communication of related solutions.

Showcasing New Proposals: By focusing on showcasing new companies and solutions, the Exhibition aims at the dynamic promotion of new proposals, providing alternative solutions to Hoteliers and Architects. At the same time, it contributes to expanding their network of partners, aiming to evolve their hotel product and better serve the ever-increasing demand.

Expanding the Exhibition's Audience: With the Exhibition having established a steady relationship with the Premium segment of the Hotel market, it presents once again a series of rich Parallel Activities. These aim to enhance visitation from dynamic groups such as Architects and new small- and large-scale investors, while also attracting more hotel executives who often determine purchasing activities.

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