Web Hotelway
Sales Management
Another crucial part of running a hotel is that of sales. A modular, perpetual process, that if applied correctly makes the most of the advantages of the accommodation, its location and its character, producing essential work -and by extension profit. In practice, we operate as a specialized external sales department and bookings for each of our partners. Following a specific, tested and successful methodology.
The first step is market and competition research. From this may arise the entrance and promotion of the property in new markets – countries, the empowerment of its presence in those already exists, or a combination of the two.
The next one is the definition of price lists, the finalisation of which makes it easier both to conclude contracts with traditional or internet agents, as well as the pricing of electronic channels of sales or comparisons-Booking.com, Expedia, Trivago, Tripadvisor, etc. For the above channels, the re-configuration of their content (texts, photographs, videos) and the design and stimulation of the general single Web image of the accommodation are essential.
But what makes the difference in income -hence profitability- is direct sales. For these we follow separate practices, such as Yielding (the efficient sharing of rooms per market and price list), to achieve the desired result.
All this would not be possible without both the use and development of tools and techniques to promote sales and the constant development of the hotel, as well as the regular reporting. The drafting of statistical bookings and financial results, so that we and the owner have a complete and clear depiction of our actions and their results.