Web Hotelway
Beverage Consulting
What will you drink?
A simple question, which should have a special answer. Whether we are talking about alcohol or not, the beverage or drink you offer in any location of the hotel must be harmonized with the overall spirit and gastronomic philosophy of the site. Moreover, the cost control significantly affects the income balance of the accommodation. And because we think it is a detail that we should not leave at random, that is why part of our services concerns:
- Create unique (signature) cocktails from executive barmen based on your needs and a thorough recording that captures their full circle: their cost, market list, their detailed prescription, and the methodology and appropriate training of the relevant personnel.
- Create a list of breakfast beverages, with proportional -as in the signature cocktails- thorough recording of their full circle: their cost, the market list, their analytical constitution, and the methodology and appropriate training of the Relevant staff.
- Create a beverages list for any part of the property such as the pool bar or the beach bar e.g. Also here the method has the first reason. The costing, market list, detailed prescription, methodology and proper training of the relevant personnel accompany the list.
Of course, because the service is not cut off from their overall presence, we undertake the training of the staff who will take over the service.