Dalkafouki Oikos
Cork Products
Innovative, ecological, sustainable products with cork in the service of architecture.
A.Thermal facade with cork.
Compressed cork boards and specially designed mortars of hydraulic lime, containing cork nuggets create a complete cork-based thermal insulation system. First the cork panel is applied and then in a certain order, the mortars with cork nuggets.
B. Mortars with cork nuggets for thermal and sound insulation.
Cork nuggets mixed with natural hydraulic lime create a lightweight mortar,
suitable for exterior and interior masonry surfaces. The combination of
hydraulic lime with cork creates an innovative series of sustainable
eco-friendly construction products.
C. Decorative Cork Panels
Cork panels, due to their elasticity, can be properly processed in a variety of shapes, which are suitable for architectural design and decoration applications. It is an innovative and special architectural choice as its unique look upgrades the space both aesthetically and energetically.