Samsung Heat Pumps
Heat Pumps are an energy efficient system for heating and cooling private and public spaces.
They can be installed in new or existing homes and connected to existing radiators, underfloor heating and cooling as well as Fan Coils.
In recent years, the rapid development of inverter technology has allowed the manufacture of high efficiency and small size heat pumps at low production costs.
At the same time, the continuing increase in the price of fuels traditionally used for heating homes (oil, natural gas, etc.) in combination with the ever-decreasing cost of acquiring heat pumps, makes heat pumps a more advantageous choice for heating. of modern housing.
Heat pumps can meet the needs of heating, cooling and hot water production for applications in single-family homes, small and medium-sized buildings as well as hotel units.
Combining heat pumps with Net Metering applications to generate clean electricity is a great way -economically and ecologically- to meet your heating and cooling needs.
GEYER, based on a strategic partnership with SAMSUNG, has implemented dozens of applications that combine the installation of heat pumps and Photovoltaic Net Metering in public and private buildings.
The additional application of "Smart Technologies" in these facilities, can eliminate the cost of heating and cooling even in the most energy demanding buildings.