
Canaves Epitome, Five Bedroom Villa

Contact Person: Tsanai Fotini

Company: Canaves Oia

Photographer: Georgios Kordakis

Website: https://canaves.com/canaves-oia-epitome/accommodations/five-bedroom-villa/

Email: f.tsanai@canaves.com

Phone: 6980/986058


Canaves Epitome is a 5-star resort on the island of Thira Santorini, in which when you enter you switch to another biological rhythm. The charcoal and purple volcanic rocks that dress the volumes, combined with the Mediterranean flora that has grown on almost the entire surface of the resort, apart from travelers, they host a whole world of chirping birds that calms you down.

It consists of 53 rooms, which include villas and suites, all with their own private bathrooms swimming pools, plantings and Jacuzzi respectively. On pathways within the area of 20 acres you meet the two restaurants, whose aesthetics also indicate the their culinary selves, as well as the pools that enclose them, in which the Greek light enchants you with the blue-green shades, the endlessness of the sea and the reflections.

The 5 bedroom Villa is purely a miniature of the entire complex. It has Northwest orientation, with the blue panorama of the Aegean Sea looking down on it from above. It is the architectural fruit of MPLUSM, MNEMEO, DOMISIS, GREENWAYS, E DEKO, HARKOUTSAKIS, SKOPELITIS and Canaves Oia crews. Its beginning design is set in 2019, and the construction journey was completed in June 2023.

It is an underground structure, surrounded by its geological layer of Minoan ash. The western face is cladded with volcanic ironstones, where the one
inscribes the outline of the other, taking new evidence from its excavation of Cycladic traditional dry-stone technique. The interior high ceilings vaults and perfectly symmetrical spaces and the impressive cruciform vaults of the dining room, giving the dwelling the elements of comfort, tranquility, as you experience living within the earth, in a modern sense of a Santorinian cave.

The expansive openings framing the panoramic view of the Aegean Ocean evoke a profound sense of humility and simplicity, while also allowing you to immerse yourself in the vastness of the deep blue expanse. The villa is truly awe-inspiring, surrounded by a humble expanse. It consists of two levels and boasts a serene landscape. On the 1st level, there are two large bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms, living room, dining room, and kitchen.

Expansive western openings blur the boundary between inside and outside, offering a seamless connection. Anti Diametric openings to the interior patio provide natural ventilation and light. The surrounding area complements the western aspect, featuring a large infinity heated pool, serene sitting areas, a relaxation island, a Jacuzzi, and various levels of seating. A garden with phrygana and ancient olive trees, as well as a monastery-style dining room for 12 persons, add to its charm. An impressive pergola made of natural Iroko and wicker provides a cool and pleasant shade against the intense western sun, ensuring comfort for guests.

The two levels are connected by an internal staircase and elevator. The lower level houses 3 bedrooms with corresponding benefits, opening up to a green-filled patio. One bedroom is designed for easy accessibility. This level also includes a sitting area, a massage corner, and a gym area with a separate entrance. The patio is adorned with climbing plants, creating an interesting microclimate. All materials chosen are natural, including black rocks on the floors, light vaulted walls, dark oak timbers for furniture and built-ins, and marble countertops and tables.

As the sun sets, the villa's atmosphere becomes enchanting, with carefully placed soft lighting highlighting the elegant architectural elements. The warm lighting choices evoke emotions and inspire daydreams.

Area of the hotel complex: 20,000 sq.m
Two-level villa area: 450 sq.m.
Surrounding area: 320 sq.m.
Construction cost: 1,000,000 euros
Study period: 1st phase of architectural design 2019, 2nd phase of architecture planning 2022
Completion Date: June 2023
Manufacture: CANAVES OIA

Contributors & Suppliers:

Αρχιτεκτονική μελέτη: MPLUSM, Memneo Architecture

Μελέτη εσωτερικής διακόσμησης: Memneo Architecture

Υπεύθυνη μελέτης: Δάφνη Ζωγράφου

Μελετητική ομάδα: Θάλεια Σαχινίδη, Άρτεμις Μερκουρέα, Μαρίνα Κωστάκη


Υπεύθυνη κατασκευής: Κωτούλα Μαρία

Στατική μελέτη: Γιάννης Σκοπελίτης

Μηχανολογική μελέτη: Βαγγέλης Χαρκουτσάκης

Μελέτη φωτισμού: Eleftheria Deko

Μελέτη φύτευσης: Greenways

Αδειοδοτήσεις και επιβλέπων μηχανικός: DOMISI SANTORINI


Κουφώματα: Δρόσος Μάρκος

Ξυλουργικά: Δρόσος Μάρκος

Μεταλλικές κατασκευές: Omnia

Είδη υγιεινής: Κυπριώτης

Δάπεδα: Δέλτα μάρμαρα, Bagno y bagno

Μάρμαρα: Δέλτα μάρμαρα

Έπιπλα: Κούρτης, Set, Home Deco, Deloudis, Myran, GK Mobili

Υφάσματα: Vagenas

Φωτιστικά: Gruppo Linea light, Place D, All@Light


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